Alexandr 24.07.2013 00:57
Good day! Could you please tell me, when will the sale of licenses to fish chum salmon start in the settlement of Olga (on Avvakumovka)? Best Regards.
Good day! Could you please tell me, when will the sale of licenses to fish chum salmon start in the settlement of Olga (on Avvakumovka)? Best Regards.
Petr 22.05.2011 20:32
Certificates of conformity are required for your products. Can you provide them?
Certificates of conformity are required for your products. Can you provide them?
Dear Pyotr, All the products we offer have the necessary certificates. You can get them with the products.
Dear Pyotr, All the products we offer have the necessary certificates. You can get them with the products.